But what if we raise our voices every day? That is precisely what we try to do at DIME que me quieres, where we support and promote female talent .
For this reason, our team is made up solely and exclusively of women. And when we talk about 'team' we do so in the most precise sense of the word, that is, a group of people who work side by side for a common goal.
An objective, everything must be said, that goes beyond the professional. One that involves us all, that matters to us, that touches us deeply, that moves us and moves us, that excites us, that makes our skin crawl and also makes us stop.

Any path, no matter how complicated it may be, is always much easier when there is a helping hand at your side, an ear that listens to you, a companion that encourages you to continue forward.
The 8M is all of us. But, also, 8M is every day and it is everywhere: in our offices, in our stores, in our team, in our routine, in our clients. In our jewelry.
No one can change the world alone, but we can do it together, like an unbreakable chain in which each link clings firmly to the previous one. Together. Always together.
Today, more than ever, partner, DIME que me quieres.